Sunday, May 1, 2016

Literature review #5

Image result for hank nuwer

2) Burke, Timothy M., Hank Nuwer, and Daniel J. McCarthy. "Fraternal Law." Manley Burke [
Cincinnati, Ohio] Jan. 2012: n. pag. Print
3) This piece gives insight to how fraternities work and the reasons for hazing along with the history of it and multiple cases of it.

4) Hank Nuwer is the world leader in hazing research. Along with his website which includes detailed descriptions of every hazing death in recent history, his numerous published works give great insight into the world of hazing.

5) "hazing"- the imposition of strenuous, often humiliating, tasks as part of a program of rigorous physical training and initiation.
7) This research adds to the notion of masculinity and manhood in guyland.  Nuwer's prospective on hazing is a little different than other researchers, which i have to agree with the latter on but nontheless his input helps me defend my argument 

Literature Review #4

"Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men"
Image result for guyland

2) Kimmel, Michael S. Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. New York: Harper, 2008. Print.
3) This piece has more a focus on hazing and extracarricular activites on college campuses. It highlights how the "being a man" and masculinity impact how men act at college and why they put up with hazing.

4) Michael Kimmel- World renowned expert in male studies and masculinities. He has published several books about male behavior and even obtained funding to get a building in his studies name.

5) "masculinity" - possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men.
"coming of age"/ "right of passage"-  This is in relation to becoming accepted by peers in the mode of binge drinking/ being hazed.

6) "getting drunk beyond consciousness may be a way of proving yourself to your friends, your fraternity brothers, or sorority sisters, of showing your teammates that you'd take one for the team" (105)
“by the end of freshman orientation you pretty much know that the fraternities rule here”… “The frats have all the parties, get all the hot girls, and have all the cool guys” (Kimmel 115).

"“only men can initiate men, as only women can initiate women”… “In America’s fraternities, military boot schools, and on Athletic teams, it is always peers initiating peers” (Kimmel 101).

7) This piece gives me great insight as to how athletic teams and fraternities are both a part of "guyland'. They both operate socially in the same fundamental way which correspondingly shows that hazing is essentially the same in both organizations.

Literature review #3

Image result for penn state
2)Proffitt, Jennifer M., and Thomas F. Corrigan. "Penn State's "Success With Honor": How Institutional Structure and Brand Logic Disincentivized Disclosure." Sage. Sage Publications, 2012. Web. 30 Apr. 2016.
3) This research paper strongly corresponds to "the meaning of privatization". It shows the fact that football programs of this stature are given the right to break the rules and also shows how people are willing to put their careers and lives at steak to protect these programs.

4) Jenifferr M. Proffitt has a PhD in mass communications at penn state university. That alone would qualify her for my piece, however i believe the fact that she actually attended penn state and was there during the time of the sandusky scandal gives her a larger insight as to what was going on and why.

Thomas F. Corrigan also has a PhD from Penn State university for mass communications although he is currently a professor in california. His collabration with Proffitt opens up many doors for exploration and places for insight that a single author piece would not have.

5) "Community": a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

"economic motivaton: Motivation crowding theory, in labor economicsand social psychology, suggests that extrinsic motivators such as monetary incentives or punishments can undermine intrinsic motivation.

6) " “acquiring high salary”… “Coaches in hopes of attracting recruits, gate receipts, and alumni donations (Knight Commission 99)” (Proffitt, Corrigan 323).

"media coverage tends to focus on the individuals involved rather than the corporatized universities economic motivations" (1)

"Although self sustaining intercolleiate athetics programs are ideal, universities by no means want to dissafiliate from athletics" (323)

7) This piece has a high value because it enables me to use a real life example of a higher education institutions privatized economic motivations when dealign with wrongdoing by an athletic team.
Literature Review #2
"The Meaning of Privatization"

2) Starr, Paul. "The Meaning of Privatization." Princeton University. Princeton University, 1988. Web. 09 Feb. 2016.

3) The meaning of privatization is about the shift in the higher education system's values esentially.  Universities used to be a somewhat affordable means of learning the tools for success in the primary job market.  Now it has become evident that these univsersities have become consumed in monitary greed and self interest at their students expense.

4)  Paul Starr is a graduate of Princeton University and is also a professor of sociology and public affairs at the Ivy league school.  Being knowledgable enough to become a professor of human behavior at one of the most esteemed universities in the world definitely qualifies him as a scholarly source for my paper

5) 1: "Privatization":  The swing in operating philosophy from civic service to self interest.

2: The concept of self interest is what is help me make my argument.  Universities are constantly overlooking the well being of their students and looking into their own.

6)“the swing [to privatization] is not from sociability to intimacy but from civic concern to the pursuit of self-interest”

"A different set of arguments, not chiefly concerned with efficiency, comes from a more sociological theory of privatization that emphasizes the strengthening of communities. "

"At the core of many uses are the two ideas that public is to private as open is to closed, and that public is to private as the whole is to the part. "

7)  The value of this piece of research is crucial to my paper.  Starr's definition of privatization highlights the need of institutions to create income in any way possible.  I can use this to examine why Greek life organizations are tossed out the window yet athletic organizations always get a chance at redemption with less strict ramifications.

Research Blog #10

abstract: Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the privatization of the higher education system affects the treatment and punishment of Greek Life organizations and athletic teams in the event of a violation of law and policy.  Universities claims of beholding a strong welcoming community, a safe environment for all students, and a focus on the betterment of education can all be seen as false through this lens.  With a focus on hazing, the research done shows that Universities in America treat these incidents with only their own interest in mind thus belittling the interest and well-being of Greek Life at those Universities.

Berkowitz, Steve. "USA TODAY Sports." USA TODAY Sports. USA TODAY, 6 Oct. 2014. Web. 30 Apr. 2016. <>.
Burke, Timothy M., Hank Nuwer, and Daniel J. McCarthy. "Fraternal Law." Manley Burke [Cincinnati, Ohio] Jan. 2012: n. pag. Print
"Google." Google. Google Dictionary, n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2016. <>.
Diamond, Alex B., et al. "Qualitative Review Of Hazing In Collegiate And School Sports: Consequences From A Lack Of Culture, Knowledge And Responsiveness." British Journal Of Sports Medicine 50.3 (2016): 149-153. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Feb. 2016
Kimmel, Michael S. Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. New York: Harper, 2008. Print.
 Martin, Patricia Yancey. "The Rape Prone Culture of Academic Contexts: Fraternities and Athletics." Sage Journals (2015): n. pag. Sage Journals. Web. 22 Mar. 2016. <>.
Mosbergen, Dominique. "Cost Of College Degree In U.S. Has Increased 1,120 Percent In 30 Years, Report Says." The Huffington Post., 15 Aug. 2012. Web. 30 Apr. 2016. <>.
NCAA. "Football Injuries." Injury Report (n.d.): n. pag. Datalyscenter. Web. 30 Apr. 2016. <>.
Nuwer, Hank. "Hazing Deaths." N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2016. <>
Proffitt, Jennifer M., and Thomas F. Corrigan. "Penn State's "Success With Honor": How Institutional Structure and Brand Logic Disincentivized Disclosure." Sage. Sage Publications, 2012. Web. 30 Apr. 2016.
Somers, Nicole. "College and University Liability for the Dangerous Yet Time Honored Tradition of Hazing in Fraternities and Student Athletics." Journal of College and University Law (n.d.): 653-70. HeinOnline. Web. 16 Apr. 2016.
"Views Of College Greek Life, From Inside And Out." Weekend Edition Sunday 8 Feb. 2015.Literature Resource Center. Web. 16 Feb. 2016

Starr, Paul. "The Meaning of Privatization." Princeton University. Princeton University, 1988. Web. 09 Feb. 2016.

Why Fraternities Are Shut Down For Misconduct While College Sports Teams Go Unpunished." Total Frat Move. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.


Research Blog #9

Research Blog #9
My main argument is that schools place liability and handle different situations of violations within their school sponsored organizations, specifically when dealing with fraternities and sororities.  It has become apparent during my research that universities are willing to forgo ethics and moral conduct to tend to the best interest of the university even if it comes at the expense of their students.  A counter argument would be that hazing is illegal by both the schools policies and the law.  The sandusky case nullfies this argument since they were also commiteing illegal acts yet received lesser sanctions than a fraternity who gets caught hazing.

Research Post #4

Research Proposal
Brenden Siegel
Writing 201 College
Research Proposal Assignment
1.      Working Topic
Hazing: Tradition or Not?
2.      Topic
My goal is to explore the reasons for hazing in Athletics, Bands, Greek Life, and any other association, team, or group that has been associated with hazing in the past.  The controversy on the topic is that it is widely perceived that hazing is an act of pure tradition, without much rhyme or reason.  What I have seen in my research and personal experience with peers in these organizations is that pure tradition is not always the case, but different categories of organizations or Greek life seem to have strong correlation within their own groupings.  I am interested in this topic because I am both on a sports team and in Greek life and not many people have had the experience of both of them at the same time during their years at Rutgers or any University for that matter.
3.      Research Question
What are the reasons for hazing in Greek Life, Athletics, and other organizations and how are they justified?
4.      Theoretical Frame or Approach
My Theory is that each of these different types of organizations different reasons for hazing.  Believe it or not, research suggests that Greek Life hazing is the least correlated to tradition out of any major social group in a college setting.  Athletics and bands take the cake when it comes to tradition and hazing.
5.      Research Plan, Case, or Additional Questions
Additional Questions:  Do people being hazed feel inclined to do so based on which type of organization they are in?
When the hazing is over do they believe that it should continue for the next group coming in?
Do they believe that the hazing should be worse, equal to, or less than what they endured?
Research Plan:  I plan to look for cases of hazing in all three of the aforementioned social groups at college.  Many websites contain anonymous interviews with those members first hand that give a great insight as to what is going on and why.
6.      Bibliography
"Views Of College Greek Life, From Inside And Out." Weekend Edition Sunday 8 Feb. 2015.Literature Resource Center. Web. 16 Feb. 2016
FLANAGAN, CAITLIN. "The Dark Power Of Fraternities." Atlantic 313.2 (2014): 72-91. Literary Reference Center. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.
Diamond, Alex B., et al. "Qualitative Review Of Hazing In Collegiate And School Sports: Consequences From A Lack Of Culture, Knowledge And Responsiveness." British Journal Of Sports Medicine 50.3 (2016): 149-153. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Feb. 2016
"Why Fraternities Are Shut Down For Misconduct While College Sports Teams Go Unpunished." Total Frat Move. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.
Nuwer, Hank. "Hazing Deaths." N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.
Nuwer, Hank. “Hazing: Schools, Military, Job Related.” NP, n.d. Web. 1 Mar 2016.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Research Blog #8

my main case is that greek life organizations are wrongfully given the axe when sports teams commit the same if not worse violations.  2 great examples i will use are the eric legrand case and the penn state sandusky case.  The Eric LeGrand case highlights the contradiction that the school promotes physical safety.  They enforce harsh punishments on greek organizations for injury yet glamorize ones such as Eric Legrands.  The second case is the Sandusky sexual abuse case.  This highlights how sports teams can break the law yet only those responsible for it are punished yet in greek life a whole fraternity will go down for the actions of a few rotten ones.

Research Blog #7

The frame for my paper has changed drastically throughout peer review and research.  What once began as a compare and contrast has become something else.  Throughout my research privatization has become an apparent repetitive connotation when analyzing the treatment of sports teams and greek life on college campuses.  I am now analyzing the reasons why this has happened.  My paper is about the law statutes that apply in these cases, examples of them from research and news, and how hazing is something that is mistakenly associated with greek life even though it happens just as often in other organizations.

Literature Review #1

Literature Review #1

2)Somers, Nicole. "College and University Liability for the Dangerous Yet Time Honored Tradition of Hazing in Fraternities and Student Athletics." Journal of College and University Law (n.d.): 653-70. HeinOnline. Web. 16 Apr. 2016.
3) This journal is very literal in it's approach and concerns all steps of the judicial process for both the school and the law. It contains a lot of legal jargon similar to a reading I once had in a business law class. It outlines specific case studies that have become precedent for future cases to follow. The cases define the fine lines of liability and the policies that pertain to it.
4) Nicole Summers: Massachusettes Supreme Judicial Court. Being involved in the supreme court's office even at a state level requires vast knowledge and dedication to both the law and the study of it. This authot absolutley is a reliable source, she also attended Harvard Law School.
5) 2 terms- I'd like to define two statutes because they are used as a major part of the paper
1) The duty of a service provider to render the necessary service to protect another
 2)The University’s duty as a landowner to protect the plaintiff as an invitee against and foreseeable dangerous conditions on University property”

6) "The jury was perplexed by an undefined legal term and unable to reach a verdict" (Definition of hazing) (658)
"Subpoenas and depositions have been replacing beer cans and pledge paddles on as icons on fraternity row" (661)
""Hazing in college sports has continued and appears to be on the rise" (671)
7) This material helps me explore my research question because of both the history of hazing and more importantly defining what hazing is and the consequences for all parties involved in both greek life and athletic associations.  

Research Blog #6


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Research Blog #5

Works Cited
Burke, Timothy M., Hank Nuwer, and Daniel J. McCarthy. "Fraternal Law." Manley Burke [Cincinnati, Ohio] Jan. 2012: n. pag. Print

Diamond, Alex B., et al. "Qualitative Review Of Hazing In Collegiate And School Sports: Consequences From A Lack Of Culture, Knowledge And Responsiveness." British Journal Of Sports Medicine 50.3 (2016): 149-153. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Feb. 2016
FLANAGAN, CAITLIN. "The Dark Power Of Fraternities." Atlantic 313.2 (2014): 72-91. Literary Reference Center. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.

Martin, Patricia Yancey. "The Rape Prone Culture of Academic Contexts: Fraternities and Athletics." Sage Journals (2015): n. pag. Sage Journals. Web. 22 Mar. 2016. <>.
Nuwer, Hank. "Hazing Deaths." N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2016. <>

"Views Of College Greek Life, From Inside And Out." Weekend Edition Sunday 8 Feb. 2015.Literature Resource Center. Web. 16 Feb. 2016

"Why Fraternities Are Shut Down For Misconduct While College Sports Teams Go Unpunished." Total Frat Move. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

research blog post #3

Privatization actually has a huge affect on both greek life and athletics in their own and similar way.  The readings we have done in class define privatization as something that only benefits very few people in the upper echelon of society.  Basically, money makes the difference.  When it comes to hazing in both greek and athletic culture, privatization definitely plays a role.  Since those attending privatized universities come from untroubled backgrounds for the most part, they have never had anyone telling them to do such outrageous things before.  These kids have never felt the rush and uncertainty of a pledging process or hazing ritual.  Even though it may be treacherous, most look back on it being glad that they experienced something new.  My theory is that those who are less fortunate and grew up with hard times are less likely to comply to these rituals because they dont want anymore hardships in their lives.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Post #2

My ideas for my research paper have changed, but more in a revisional and anlytical sense.  The longer i experience the life of a Greek student athlete I experience it and learn more about it everyday.  From the teasing of my teammates to the accusations of lack of commitment from the fraternity to keeping up with schoolwork.  It definitley does not get any easier every day.  I could not really find any articles on this topic as I believe that no one who does both greek life and athletics has the time to publish an article about it.

"Views Of College Greek Life, From Inside And Out." Weekend Edition Sunday 8 Feb. 2015.Literature Resource Center. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.
This article about greek life is different and more insightful than the rest of them out there.  The "Greek Life is Bad" bias is thrown out the window.  I liked this article better than other because it is an interview with real fraternity brothers, and they are not biased on the side of their fraternities either.  One of them stated that they removed themselves from the fraternity once they found out something morally and legally wrong was going on inside of the fraternity house.  The bond that is formed throughout the pledging process is called into question here and most articles did not cover that.  

FLANAGAN, CAITLIN. "The Dark Power Of Fraternities." Atlantic 313.2 (2014): 72-91. Literary Reference Center. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.
This article shines light into the negative side of fraternities.  It shines light on all of the hazing accidetns, wild parties, and incohherent brothers.  It also shines light on the aftermath of being in a fraternity, which is what appeals as most attractive to potential fraternity members.  

Diamond, Alex B., et al. "Qualitative Review Of Hazing In Collegiate And School Sports: Consequences From A Lack Of Culture, Knowledge And Responsiveness." British Journal Of Sports Medicine 50.3 (2016): 149-153. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Feb. 2016
This artice will be great for comparing greek life and athletics in college.  Both of them seem to have one constant: hazing.  I want to take a deeper look into the differences in hazing in both fraternities and athletic teams and i believe i will draw some interesting and insightful conclusions.

Over this past semester a lot has changed in my day to day college life.  I have always played hockey here at Rutgers for the D1 club team.  Recently I have rushed and received a bid to a fraternity on campus.  I want to write about the struggles, benefits, and cons of being a greek student athlete.