Sunday, May 1, 2016

Literature Review #4

"Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men"
Image result for guyland

2) Kimmel, Michael S. Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. New York: Harper, 2008. Print.
3) This piece has more a focus on hazing and extracarricular activites on college campuses. It highlights how the "being a man" and masculinity impact how men act at college and why they put up with hazing.

4) Michael Kimmel- World renowned expert in male studies and masculinities. He has published several books about male behavior and even obtained funding to get a building in his studies name.

5) "masculinity" - possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men.
"coming of age"/ "right of passage"-  This is in relation to becoming accepted by peers in the mode of binge drinking/ being hazed.

6) "getting drunk beyond consciousness may be a way of proving yourself to your friends, your fraternity brothers, or sorority sisters, of showing your teammates that you'd take one for the team" (105)
“by the end of freshman orientation you pretty much know that the fraternities rule here”… “The frats have all the parties, get all the hot girls, and have all the cool guys” (Kimmel 115).

"“only men can initiate men, as only women can initiate women”… “In America’s fraternities, military boot schools, and on Athletic teams, it is always peers initiating peers” (Kimmel 101).

7) This piece gives me great insight as to how athletic teams and fraternities are both a part of "guyland'. They both operate socially in the same fundamental way which correspondingly shows that hazing is essentially the same in both organizations.

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